23 October 2008

RW/RR: The Island

Poor Ev has no friends, unless you count that little bug she was petting. Ew.

Colie's still here!? Has she done anything all season? And now she's expecting to just sit back and get a key. Haha. This does not sit well with Johnny, the Bully of this season. Do you know how much I wish someone like Coral were there to smack Johnny down a few pegs? He really is a giant dick.

I love Paula: "I'm not anti-girl, I'm anti-stupid." The others girls all want to build a boat, but Paula wants the guys to take care of it. That's my kind of girl - lie back and let the men do all the work.

Face Off: Colie, Johanna, and Ryan. It's an endurance competition.

Winner: Ryan. He takes KellyAnne's key.

Bye-bye: Colie. She asked the jury to send her home. I didn't really follow the reasons behind that, but she was pretty much going to be sent home anyway. So maybe that's why she did it.

Only one Face Off left, and the four people without keys have to be in it. So someone with a key will definitely lose it next week.

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