10 November 2008

Heroes: A Look Back, or How To Retcon

Another look back in time, courtesy of Hiro's African drug-induced spirit walk.

One year ago...

Arthur Petrelli was Father of the Year, telling Linderman he'll kill Nathan if he has to. He's the one who ordered that Nathan's car be run off the road. Going back in time sucks because they have to use the Emo Wig for Peter. Peter's real Emo Hair was soooo much better.

Angela poisons Arthur, setting him up for his coma and faux-heart-attack. Those Petrelli parents sure are great.

Meredith was working with Flint (they're brother and sister), robbing stores. Eric Roberts is back (woot!) and captures Meredith to make her an agent. But they've also imprisoned her brother, so Meredith springs him and they flee The Company.

Gabriel was in his watch shop making himself a noose to hang himself. WTF!? He is saved by Elle, who was sent to meet him by Bennet. So The Company knows about Sylar but just lets it happen. Something about needing to see how he kills "in the wild."

Gabriel and Elle start falling for each other, and he's thinking maybe he can control his burning need to be special, like a recovering addict. Until she brings over a dude with powers for him to kill. That's just too tempting for Gabriel/Sylar, who kills the dude's emo ass, while Elle and Bennet watch from the van outside.

Back to Present Day...

African dude was beheaded!!!!!!!! Gross. By Arthur, who shows up and attacks Hiro.

I didn't like all the looks back at Season 1, because it only made me long for the beauty of Season 1 even more.

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