10 November 2008

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

This episode had a cool way of telling the story through each character's perspective. Scenes would overlap and then go in different directions following one of the characters when they split off.

John's off gallivanting with his gf Riley, taking a bus down to Mexico. And now I want Mexican food. They get thrown in prison for a bar fight, and then proceed to break out. Rather than wait for David Silver to come get them.

Terminator dude arrives at the Connor house and drags Sarah around, kidnapping her. When we see Sarah's perspective of events, it's just her in the trunk of the car while there's all kinds of shootouts and chases going on outside. Turns out all that is taking place at the prison, where the Terminator has come to find John, and so has Agent Ellison.

The good guys corner the Terminator in a church and shoot him the eff up. They bury the body and destroy his brain chip thing. Or, more precisely, Sarah goes medieval on the chip's ass.

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