11 May 2012

TV News

So I'm too drunk to watch Fringe.  I mean, I'm OK - like, I can still catch most of my typos - but I'm too drunk to watch a show I love and want to pay attention to, especially for a season finale. So my babies will have to wait until tomorrow.

Instead I watch Grimm whilst blogging about the latest TV news because I don't seem to blog anymore.  Let's see -- Alcatraz got canceled.  Which is bullshit mostly because I love me some Sam Neill on TV.  And I love prison.  Awake got canned today.  Duh.  I gave up on that piece of crap after like 4 episodes.  A great concept that was just boring as shit and godawful.  Ringer got canceled and I only watched 2 of those before giving up.

And then we have our comedies.  The Office sucks big time, but is renewed with no problem.  Community and 30 Rock get picked up for final, 13-episode seasons.  Final seasons?  That's some BS.  They join Fringe on the boo-hoo-but-at-least-we-get-final-seasons list.  On the bright side?  Parks & Recreation got picked up for a full season.  Yesssss.

You know what'll be back in about 2 months?  Breaking Bad.  Booyah.


Karen said...

Why don't you tell us how you really feel? :-)

Kim said...

Please make this a regular feature on B&C. Drunk Blogging with Jenny!