10 July 2007

The Inferno Not-Quite Reunion

My television billed this as a Reunion, when it was in fact a Top 10 Countdown of greatest Inferno 3 moments. You know your countdown sucks when 7 of the moments revolve around Susie. All of the sudden Susie is a freaking raving bitch. Next time she should be on the Bad Asses not the Good Guys.

Some of the deleted footage was actually good! Johnny and Abram "washing" Susie's pajamas in the toilet was the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life. Why wasn't that on the show?? They reviewed "unseen hookups". Again, why was this unseen? Kenny and Jenn, Alton and Janelle. Everyone was repulsed by Colie. And OMG Timmy's bleeding knees were horrific! 50 stitches! That's what he gets for kneeling in broken glass and not being John McClane, I guess.

Tonya turned out to be the most self-aware, admitting that these shows are her "life."

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'm so happy to hear that everyone had the sense to say that Colie is a whore! And I saw the clip of the clothes being washed in the toilet during a marathon-- but they didn't add that Ace washed them for her :( They had showed Abram putting them right into the dryer after putting them in the toilet. Love it!