17 September 2009

Fringe is Back Halleluiah

OH MY GOD. It's back. My favorite show. Fringe. I couldn't love this show more if I tried. And, as always, it's a hard-ass show to explain. Here goes.

Freak of the Week: A shapeshifter. (Nice shout-out to The X-Files, playing on TV while the guy does his thing.) The shapeshifter came from Olivia's wrecked SUV, but Olivia is nowhere to be found. As Walter is examining the SUV, Olivia suddenly comes flying through the windshield and onto the road.

At the hospital, Olivia is pronounced brain dead. It's all quite sad, with Pacey drinking and Walter crying and self-medicating to cope. When Pacey shows up at her bedside to say goodbye, Olivia suddenly jolts to consciousness, speaking Greek (turns out she said something Pacey's mother used to say to him as a child: "Be a better man than your father"). Olivia's freaking out, knowing that she went somewhere and was supposed to do something, but not remembering what happened.

Fringe Division has been shut down, but there's this nosy little Agent Jessup who is happy to stick her nose in, help out the Bishops, and figure out what's going on.

So the shapeshifting dude is a soldier from the alternate universe. He heads to a typewriter, types things into it and gets responses from it... well, from a reflection of the typewriter in the alternate universe. The sentence may not make sense, but it's pretty cool. The spooky typewriter instructs him to interrogate and kill Olivia. He takes the form of Olivia's nurse and tries to kill her. Pacey, Jessup, and Charlie chase the nurse and Charlie shoots her. I immediately worry that maybe she shapeshifted into Charlie. Later I am proven correct, as "Charlie" dumps Charlie's body into a furnace. I am heartbroken. I love Charlie. I knew he was leaving, so I guess this can be a little cooler than him just dying in the first episode, but it's still heartbreaking.

The Fringe Division is going to be reopened, because Pacey hands over a piece of the alternate universe soldier's technology to the government. Pacey's ready to kick ass and fend off this army of soldiers trying to destroy our universe. I'm ready too.

Walter's Food of the Week: He's making a custard (for Peter's birthday)... whilst performing an autopsy... whilst eating a Twizzler. We also find out that Walter was once a sous chef who worked with the man who invented the Ho Ho. Now his food obsessions really make sense.

Walter's Lines of the Night: "His anus is soaking wet." And speaking of Olivia: "I want to see her face when she eats my pudding." Pacey's response: "That's disturbing."

This Week's Code: TOWER. I'm so glad they're still doing the code. It's geeky fun for me.

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