13 December 2006

Heroes: Zach is Back... in the Closet

I have many favorite characters on Heroes. OK, all of them. But I really love Claire's friend, Zach. Although they never had him say "I am gay," my 100%-accurate gaydar went off big time with him. There were a few references to him being "different", he would talk about Claire "coming out" to her parents, and Jackie called him "the gay boy". I loved that he was this wise, gay kid that was comfortable with who he was. But now NBC is actually making a point of saying Zach isn't gay.

WHAT??!! This stinks. Apparently, the actor is going to be the lead in the series coming out based on The Terminator (like that will be good). So it looks like it's his management that doesn't want people to think the actor is gay. Are they insane? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure straight actors can play gay people. And I'm pretty sure gay actors can still get work. Plus, this actor has played gay kids before. Why is it a problem now? Because the show is hot?

The creators of the show admit that Zach was supposed to be gay. But I guess they are beholden to NBC, and the word came from on high that Zach is straight.

I'm assuming he won't be on the show much anymore anyway since his memory was erased and he's no longer friends with Claire. This is a bummer because I loved their relationship. Goddamn, NBC, if I didn't owe you for bringing me this show I would write you a strongly worded letter. Just another reason this show should be on FOX.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could use your 100% accurate gaydar while you are here for Christmas.