18 July 2012

Comic-Con 2012: Day One

This past-its-prime, no-longer-relevant report on Comic-Con 2012 is brought to you by Hilton Hotels, and the fact that our otherwise-awesome, expensive-ass hotel room didn't have wireless.  And I didn't feel like going down to the lobby every night just to blog.  FAIL.

Thursday we trolled the Exhibit Hall for swag we didn't get on Preview Night. After, we saw panels on Oz the Great and Powerful (looks cool) and Wreck-It Ralph (looks funny and geeky).  Jackie Chan showed up to promote some movie no one will watch, but it’s Jackie Chan and it was awesome to see him.  He’s hysterical and really adorable.  Next up was The Expendables 2 – because how can you resist seeing Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Dolph Lundgren all at once?  Pretty epic.  The only thing missing was Jean-Claude Van Damme.  Lundgren hasn't aged a day.  Schwarzenegger did Kindergarten Cop schtick.  Gotta love it.

We closed out the night at the Walking Dead Escape zombiepocalypse obstacle course they put on at Petco Park.  It was epic and everything I wanted it to be.  We ran through the park chased by zombies, and had to climb, crawl, run, and balance to escape.  I did my usual laugh-screaming and by the end I had red on me.

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