12 August 2008

BBX: Power of Veto

Man, how did Big Brother go from being awesome to being boring? Oh, that's right, that's how this show always operates. The set-up and Veto Competition were pretty boring tonight. Dan and Memphis's little waking-up-people thing was the lamest thing ever, just like everything Dan does.

Power of Veto: Jerry. He wants Dan to go up.

Memphis's toast: Worst Toast Ever. Stick to mixing the drinks, kid.

Then the show got good. Why? WINE! Everyone got all drunken and lovey during the Feast. Except Jerry, who took Dan's apology and crapped all over it. LOL Jerry. Libra turned on the waterworks, but only succeeded in making me hate her more. She threw Keesha under the bus for orchestrating Jessie's eviction.

Then Michelle and April stirred things up between Keesha and Libra, leading to a 4-way confrontation. "Let's go there then!" Yes please!! Drunken bitches go nuts!

No change to the nominations, it's still Libra and Keesha. I hope Libra goes.

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