09 February 2009


Lots of things happened. Not really, but there are loads of characters, which means it seems like lots of things happened. I don't know if I can make sense of it all.

After the plane crash, everyone splits up into their little cliques. Peter and Tracy hook up, and Tracy calls Nathan and offers to trade Peter for her freedom. In the course of the trade, Peter flies away and Tracy is captured. (And Peter getting away was part of Nathan's plan, apparently.)

Daphne gets Ando and they make their way to the crash site. Daphne breaks Claire out after she was captured and hooks up with Matt, Mohinder, and Hiro. Agents catch up to them, killing Daphne (!) and catching Claire (again). Claire is returned to her "normal life" with her mother, while Peter hooks up with The Boys Club.

Sylar has busted into a house to get information about his father from the agent he captured last week. The teenager in the house has a microwave power. He ends up frying the agent to death, and it looks like Sylar has found a recruit. Sylar's back to being kickass murderous and evil and it just gives me goosebumps.

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