02 October 2006

Prison Break: The Most Tragic Show on TV

Holy crap!!!! I am truly saddened by Tweener’s death. It’s all so tragic. He gets caught, pretends he’s going to turn in the other guys, but in a piece of classic (and classically over-used) Prison Break misdirection, he goes to see the girl he banged the other night. To thank her, apologize, and say he wants to be prison pen pals. How romantic.

We learn that Agent Mahone is just as crazy as Haywire. Sure, Haywire is presently building a raft to take across Lake Michigan to get to Holland. But Mahone confesses that he killed the other guy he had been chasing and hid his body – 10 bucks says it’s under the bird bath – and then kills Tweener! Dagger! I hate Mahone! I would have at least rather seen Tweener get shot trying to escape, but this is just wrong! I can’t believe I’m sad about the Vanilla Ice kid getting it. He was the most tragic figure though - getting caught stealing a valuable baseball card so it's grand larceny, taking it up the ass from a big dude in prison. He was a good kid!

Tonight was also sad because the Dynamic Duo broke up. Michael and Lincoln must be together at all times, dammit! But Lincoln leaves to go pick up his son – I hope he realizes it’s a trap. And then Governor Tancredi bites it. And Sara’s next. And then Sucre turns on the guys and is robbing them of their money. Mike thinks that he and Michael are in on it together and planned it. We’ll see – in THREE WEEKS!!! No frickin’ Prison Break til October 23 and this was one of the best episodes this season! They’re killing me!

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