03 September 2007

3:10 to Yuma

Last night we caught the sneak preview of 3:10 to Yuma. I generally don't see Westerns. (As a general rule, I don't like any movies that take place in Ye Olden Days.) People are dirty, they have bad teeth, they ride around on horses, everything is dusty, it's hot and desert-y. But I can't pass up any movie starring both Russell Crowe AND Christian Bale. It was a great movie. The performances are great and the story is interesting. (Even though everyone IS dirty.) Ben Foster was a genuine bad ass in this movie. He was really scary! The only thing I know him from before was as Angel in X-Men 3, but here he is one scary dude. You know he's good when he stands out in a movie with 2 powerhouse actors.

If you like Westerns, you'll love this movie. And if you just appreciate some good acting by dirty people, you'll enjoy it too.

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