20 November 2007

Heroes: Bennet Badass Bonanza

This was mostly a Bennet- and Nakamura-centric episode, with some Parkman thrown in for good measure. Matt’s powers expanded to include Jedi Mind Tricks. Convenient.

Bob took Claire (and her blood). Bennet showed that little West punk who was boss and then teamed up with him to save Claire. He almost shot Mohinder too, but pussed out. Instead they took Elle and he tortured her a bit. With Mr. Muggles’ doggy bath – best improv torture device since Jack Bauer used that lamp. In fact, the line, "Did you pack Mr. Muggles' doggy bath?" is now right up there with "I'm gonna need a hacksaw." Bennet was definitely at his best this episode, what with all the threatening he's so good at.

At what I thought was the end of the show, but it wasn’t, Mohinder had the damn nerve to shoot Bennet through the eye and kill his ass in a spectacular blaze of glory. It was a really cool shot. I sat there with my mouth open, rewound it, and then went, “Oh, he’ll be OK – they’ll bring him back with Claire’s blood.” So then it comes back from commercial and what do you know he’s being pumped with some blood and comes to life. Is it Claire’s blood? Did Elle and Bob bring him back? I assume so, and yet it could also be Adam’s I suppose. And will this have any consequences? Like, is Bennet now invincible too or is it a one-time-only thing? When Reanimated Bennet woke up he said “Holy Sh—“ – just like Claire did last season. LOL.

For the Nakamuras, it was basically all about Hiro traveling back to save his father, then being told by said father not to, and then finally settling on finding out who his father’s killer was. Of course it’s Adam.

Really I’m most excited about the preview because it showed Sylar at Mohinder’s apartment and let’s face it, that’s a couple that needs to be reunited.

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