05 November 2007

Heroes Getting Back in the Groove

It's like this whole season up til now has been this massive set-up with no release. But finally next week we'll be getting the What-Happened-During-The-Past-Four-Months episode. Yay answers!

This week, Matt's powers expanded - Bob told him he has his father's abilities, the ability to control anything within the mind. So Matt enters Molly's nightmare, Freddy Krueger-style, traps his Pops there, and escapes with Molly. Papa Parkman had been working for the real mastermind behind the killings - Adam Monroe. And who does Adam turn out to be? Kensei, of course. Maybe he doesn't age on top of being able to regenerate. Cuz he's looking like he did in 1671.

Peter began this episode in 2008, being hosed down in decontamination. The Shanti virus spread and killed 93% of the world's population. Peter meets his mom in the future, and she helps him get his memory back. Well, really, she GIVES him his memory back, at least the memories of his family. He teleports himself Back to the Present - as does Hiro (thank you Jesus!). Hiro and Ando are all giddy and reunited and feeling so good - until Ando tells Hiro his pops is dead.

West finds out it was Claire's dad who abducted him. Bennet finds out Claire's been dating and using her powers - and says it's time to pack up the family. In Sanders Family news, D.L. returns - as an illusion created by Papa Parkman. It makes Niki rage out, and she injects herself with the virus to stop her from killing everyone. But Mohinder says this virus has no cure. Dun dun dun! Bob tells Mohinder to get Claire - "her regenerative abilities are the key." That's when Mo decides to confess that he's been working with Bennet to take down the Company. He doesn't know which side is the right side. Hell, I don't know which side is the right side anymore!

Next week should be good. Better be good! This football game stinks. I'm out.

1 comment:

Karen said...

The football game was money...what are you talking about? The Ravens looked like a high school team. Ben is a stud.