18 November 2007

No Country for Old Men

This was a great movie. I can definitely recommend this one. I didn't know much about it going in. It's basically another Coen Brothers film that says money and greed are bad.

It takes place in Texas in 1980 and the backcountry scenery is just gorgeous. The characters seem so freaking real, especially the supporting ones. They're just amazing. Some are funny, and all are quirky, in that Coen Brothers way. Like Fargo, but with Texas accents.

A man finds a bunch of dead drug runners and a case full of money. A psychotic bowl-cut-wearing killer relentlessly hunts him for that money. And then there's the sheriff looking for them both.

It is just so good. The movie is so quiet. A couple times I realized that no one in the theater was moving or making noise. I felt transfixed by the movie, sitting perfectly still, watching what was happening.

See it!

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