02 November 2009

Heroes: A Headache If Ever There Was One

Time travel. Headaches. Actions that make zero sense. Seemingly pointless subplots. That's what we got tonight.

Hiro travels back to 3 years ago. An innocent time -- when the show kicked ass and owned my life. He actually bores a kid with the story of his attempts to save Charlie from Sylar. The kid doesn't care. The kid should go tell his parents that a strange dude is talking to him about loving someone named Charlie.

OK, so why doesn't Hiro just kill Sylar when he first sees him at the diner, right? Kill him and it's all taken care of. But that would make too much sense, yes?

Bennet's at the diner too, which I don't remember from 3 years ago, and he's with a partner we've never seen before... a partner who wants to bang him. He's married, bitch. Wait 3 years.

Hiro freezes time as Sylar's about to kill Charlie and wheels Sylar out in a hand truck, putting him into a bus luggage compartment. Instead of killing him. He then convinces his past self to still go back in time and... I have a headache. There was a lot of time travel talk and that never ends well.

But then of course Charlie is still dying of a brain tumor, which Hiro knew, yes? So he goes back and gets Sylar out of the bus so he can fix Charlie. Cuz Sylar's the cooperative type. Hiro makes a deal with Sylar -- save Charlie and I'll tell you everything about the future. Right. So shouldn't Sylar just take Hiro's power and figure that out for himself? But no, Sylar actually removes the brain tumor and then Hiro tells him that he kills a lot of people and dies alone. Cool, thanks for the info. And then Hiro lets Sylar go off to try to kill Claire, et al.

Charlie's not as grateful as one might think, considering Hiro saved her life. She calls him selfish, and says it was wrong of him to let Sylar go and kill all those other people. And then a few minutes later she changes her mind, as most characters on this show do. She says she loves Hiro and they're going to have a happy ending, right? Wrong. Because T Bag shows up to tell Hiro that he's transported Charlie back to the present-day carnival. Goddammit my head!

So T Bag is hiding Charlie somewhere, in an effort to get Hiro to help him out. WHY DOES NONE OF THIS MAKE SENSE!? It hurts. OK, so T Bag tells Hiro he made a mistake 8 weeks ago and needs to have it corrected. (T Bag has that dying time traveler dude - he could get him 3 years into the past but he couldn't get him 8 weeks back? I don't know.)

Anyway, the mistake T Bag made appears to be shooting and killing Mohinder. Remember Mohinder? Yeah, he used to be on this show. When it was good.

And I don't have the slightest idea what the point of the new past between Bennet at that partner was. At all.

My head hurts, my neck hurts, my brain hurts, the end.

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