19 November 2009

The Ruins

It's KellyAnne's birthday, so she gets hammered and then cries when Brad starts criticizing something-or-other. And sobs when Dunbar claims they once had sex. Bitch, you're having sex with Wes - Dunbar is 100 steps up. Dunbar actually uses the phrase "just the tip". LOL!

Once Brad gets really drunk, he starts to pick fights with guys. It was embarrassing how he was acting with Darrell. It came out of nowhere, made no sense, and he was literally flexing and saying "son". Typical drunken frat boy. And it was enough to provoke Darrell - he punched the crap out of Brad. Who can blame him? It's like when Tonya finally hit Veronica.

Brad's bleeding like crazy but still fighting people and kicking things. What the hell happened to him? Oy, his eye was blown the crap up and gushing blood!!! The best part was the next day when he's all sober and giving the interview to the camera with one blown-up, swollen-shut purple eye. Dumb. Ass.

Bye-bye: Brad and Darrell. The Challengers are going to end up with all girls (and all sucky girls) and I'm going to laugh and laugh.

Evan's Line of the Day: "Susie... God bless her golden hair and Amish looks." Amish looks! I love Evan!!

The Ruins: Susie v. Kimberly and Dunbar v. Johnny. They pull a "to be continued" -- as if this was the part of the show I cared about. There was an epic fight!

1 comment:

Kim said...

These people need more alcohol.