14 August 2006

Prison Break Alert

If you haven't watched the first season of Prison Break, you have 1 week to catch up on 22 episodes of the most consistently good and fun-to-watch show on television. Buy the DVDs, rent them, steal them, whatever.

I'm wondering if the new season will be as good. I mean, without prison there will be no race riots, no prison love, no prison violence -- all the things I love so much. Most importantly, what about the homoeroticism between 2 brothers? Will that still be present on the outside? God I hope so.

This show kicks ass. I'm pretty salty that I have to travel to New York next Monday night, and will likely miss the premiere. If so, it'll be the first thing I do when I get back Wednesday evening!! I am butt excited for this show to start back up again.


H said...

My favorite part is the biracial homoeroticism between the two brothers! I'm out of town that night too, I hope the DVR doesn't screw up, I might need to use the VCR as a back-up.

Juju said...

I saw at some point that it will be replayed Wednesday night as well. For back-up back-up.

Why oh why can't we be home glued to our TVs like we should be?? Why must real life interfere?