15 October 2007

Heroes: A Bunch of Set-Up

Mercifully, we were spared a new Prison Break due to baseball. I bet when they return they lose half of the little audience they had left. I know one 30-something male who won't be watching. But I'm sticking with it because, until the Petrelli Brothers reunite, it's the most homoerotic show on television.

Heroes was a lot of setting up, but not entirely boring. The Wonder Twins' storyline just got 200% more interesting - they ran into Sylar. He killed their traveling companion and witnessed their power, whatever it is. Now the 3 are off to see Mohinder. And Sylar used the word "golly" - LOVE it when he pretends to be a good guy.

Micah lives with his cousin in New Orleans, and she apparently has the ability to do anything that is shown on television, whether it be tomato roses or wrestling moves.

Finally, lots of marital strife in the Matt and Mohinder household. Matt gets the whole photo of the Ancient Brotherhood of Old Heroes Thingy - and his dad is in it. Molly recognizes him as the "nightmare man", figured out he's in Philly eating cheesesteaks, and then gets trapped in her mind. Or something. Pretty cool.

Next week looks hella awesome. Kristen Bell. Matt's wife with the baby that apparently isn't his. She's gonna be jealous of Mohinder!

There are just too many damn characters on this show because we only saw like half of them tonight - there is too much going on! I'm fine with killing off anyone whose last name isn't Petrelli or whose name isn't Sylar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right there's way too much going on, the writers have overextended themselves.

They killed off one or two characters last season and replaced them with about ten new ones. The high school romance thing is boring and the photo of the original Heroes is maybe the worst photoshop'd picture of all time.