03 December 2009

Fringe: Thank God For Delayed Viewing Options

I'm sick with whatever brand of flu is currently circulating. There is no way I'll be able to watch Fringe tonight, which is a big indication that I'm almost dead.

But in the meantime, I wanted to give a Fringe-night shout-out to the folks who watch the show every week, eating Walter's food obsession from the week before. They've started a site here: Fringe Party. They also have a really cool glyph tool that geeks me out. Naturally, my cube at work now has my name and the glyph of my name underneath.

Enjoy your cherry cough syrup milkshakes, guys! I will be having the cough syrup sans ice cream tonight.


Anonymous said...

"Geeks you out"? That's funny. You have a good sense of humor! This was entertaining. ^_^


JayBah said...

Hope you're feeling better!