10 April 2007

AI: Latino Music Can Only Be Sung By Actual Latinos

Pretty much all performances were adequate or sub-par. EXCEPT MY BOY BLAKE!!! I can ignore the sweaty pits - he was the bomb! I love my tattooed man. He had some balls to sing the mentor's husband's song too! (He has inspired me to vote for the first time this season, but I can't get through - good sign!) Jordin was the best girl. Haley stinks on ice. The song was too ambitious for her - she couldn't keep up with the rhythm or the high notes.

The producers know who the real draw is - they chose Sanjaya to close it out! Who saw the facial hair coming? He wasn't bad; he wasn't great. He ain't going nowhere!!

Jennifer Lopez was a good mentor - she gave a lot of feedback. Sure, it was half about dancing or how to pronounce Spanish, but it was way more than Gwen did.

Go home: Haley, if there's a god.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Haley must stay!