03 December 2007

Heroes: Fangirl Gone Wild

Ummm.... Seriously....


Pardon me while I simultaneously cry and mourn the end of the season while flipping out over how good this show was and how good the ending was. OHMYGOD!!!

Greatest parts of this episode:

- Great Peter-and-Adam-break-in-to-Primatech scene. Lots of swords, throwing guys, and electricity.
- Super-sweet Sylar-takes-everyone-hostage scene.
- Super-HOT scene where Mohinder takes Sylar's blood. Those two should get a room for that kind of activity.
- Micah talking to machines just gets cuter and cuter.
- Nathan's back hurting after flying with Matt's fat ass on his back. LOL.
- The moment when Peter was convinced and turned against Adam and went marching in after him.
- The return of the hot hot homoerotic Petrelli Brothers.
- The fate Hiro doles out to Adam. He buries him alive in a cemetery in Japan. Adam lives forever, so he'll be down there for a while. That's really F-d up.
- This doesn't count as a greatest part, but I'll add it here. Looks like Niki got blowed up real good when she saved Monica but the building exploded.

Two Must-Rewind Moments:
1. Maya starts flipping out on Sylar, all, "You killed my brother!" He gets a look on his face like, "Not again with this C", turns around and shoots her ass. "Now look what you made me do." Goddamn Sylar and his goddamn classic lines. (Tragically, Maya was brought back to life with Claire's blood/virus cure.)
2. The final sequence of Volume 2. Nathan is at a press conference, ready to spill the beans about powers and Companies when BANG BANG. I literally screamed. Nathan was shot in the chest by an unknown assassin (Bennet?), someone who was in cahoots with Nathan's mother. If they brought back that annoying bitch Maya they had BETTER bring back Nathan!!!!

We end with Volume 3 beginning, which just makes me madder because who knows when we'll get it. It's called "Villains" which is just awesome if it truly is going to concentrate on the villains. Sylar injects himself with the blood/cure, he heals, and then he tests his powers. In The Man's words: "I'm back."


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