15 December 2007

I Am Legend

With Houman in tow, we traveled 75 minutes to West Palm Beach to see I Am Legend in Imax. The movie kicked as much ass as I thought it would. Will Smith is his usual kickass self, and it's an interesting study into the psyche of a man who has lived alone (with his dog and some mannequins) for 3 years. The rest of Earth has either fallen to a virus or turned into creatures. A scary combination of vampires and zombies. The movie was a great popcorn, big-budget flick full of suspense. I like the mysticism!

The real reason I went to the Imax theater was to see the first 6 minutes of The Dark Knight. They were a great 6 minutes. That movie is going to be spectacular. That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We finally got to see it. Doesn't it make you want to get a dog? I had to come home and hug Shelby.