18 May 2008

Another Kickass Battlestar Galactica

The rebel Cylons offer the humans a deal - they will take them to the boxing facility so they can unbox the Xenas, she can reveal the identities of the Final Five, and then they can destroy the Resurrection Hub, rendering all Cylons mortal. Nice deal, right? Too bad neither side is really planning to stick to it.

We got a money bone saw in this episode too, as My Man Gaeta had his leg removed. The bone saw - second only to the dentist's drill for worst sound. My Man is going nutso, as recent amputees are wont to do, and so he spends the episode singing in Sickbay. At least he has a pretty voice. I couldn't help but think that all the other patients just want to tell him to shut the frak up.

Zinger of the Episode belongs to the President. She's telling Tory to get information out of Baltar (and she knows they're banging) so she says, "I don't really care if you have to spend the night on your knees praying, or just on your knees, I want a name." OH SNAP SON! Best. Line. Ever. I had to rewind that one.

Great ending, with Athena chasing her kid down and then killing the Natalie Six when she touches her because she's had dreams that a Six is going to take her. Intercut that with the President and Baltar going to the Cylon baseship to talk to the Hybrid. But when they plug the Hybrid in, she yells JUMP and the ship jumps away. Nice! Killer ending, back in the grand tradition of Battlestar Galactica.

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