16 May 2008

Lost: ???

I'm glad I didn't stay up to watch Lost live this week. I was too tired and nothing happened anyway and I would have been even more bitter.

Our Flash Forward gave us the Oceanic 6 coming home on a Coast Guard plane and having a press conference, lying about their crash and rescue. There isn't another adult - baby Aaron is considered one of the 6. At the press conference, Sun says Jin never survived the crash. Kate says Aaron is 5 weeks old and that she was 6-months pregnant when she was apprehended by the Marshal.

To me that doesn't add up, so there's got to be some kind of time discrepancy once they're off that island. Because Claire was 9 months pregnant when they crashed and Aaron is older than 5 weeks, yes? We already know there's some kind of time rift thing, who knows how big it actually is.

Jack has a memorial service for his father and says that his dad died 10 months ago. Well that's B.S. too since he died just before the plane crash. They can't have been rescued 10 months later with Aaron being 5 weeks old. Ugh. Who knows. Also, Jack finds out at the service that Claire was his sister.

Back on the island, Sayid's little boat makes it to the island and a few people go back to the freighter in the first wave. They include Jin, Sun, and Aaron. On the boat, a big load of C4 is found, and Jin sends Sun and Aaron out of the engine room. So if the thing explodes and Sun and Aaron survive, the exploded people will be Michael, Jin, and Desmond. No!

Other than that, everyone else is at the Orchid Station where S is going to go down. Part 2 in 2 weeks - 2 hours long. That's 2-2-2 - are the producers trying to tell us something?

Whatever, I hope it's good.

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