03 October 2009

How Do I Feel About Flash Forward?

We're 2 episodes in to Flash Forward and I still haven't made up my mind. The first episode was cool. I like the set-up -- the whole world goes unconscious at the same time and gets a glimpse of their futures 6 months from now. But it's a bit heavy-handed with the flashforwards. Right, I get it, I remember the vision, you don't need to show the same damn thing 2-3 times per episode. Also, they sure came to terms with the whole situation (and figured out what happened) really quickly and easily. That was way too convenient for me. And the FBI is investigating it? Really?

The fastforwards involve things like marriages being broken up, suspected dead people who are really alive, and taking a dump. And then John Cho didn't have a vision, so we're assuming that means he's dead in the future.

Oh and the kid in it annoys the piss out of me, and she's named "Charlie." I always thought Charlie was an adorable name for a girl (hell, I nicknamed my own niece that), but suddenly it's like THE name for girls.

Eh. I can't decide if it's living up to the cool premise. Which means I don't think it is. But I'll keep DVRing it for a bit.

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