12 October 2009

The Ruins

It's the Booby Popping Episode. LOL. Shauvon does a bellyflop - or a boob-flop - into the water. And OMG SHE MIGHT HAVE POPPED AN IMPLANT YOU GUYZZZZ!

However it is that they decide these things (volunteering?), Wes goes up against Nick. A massive fight breaks out over who should go in against Evelyn. The customary way to do this is for Evelyn to pick who she goes up against. But the team wants to choose Kellyanne to piss off Wes. But Kellyanne is Evelyn's BFF so she pitches a fit and has never felt so betrayed IN. HER. LIFE. Wes and Evelyn go around screaming and kicking things and I just don't get it. Wes keeps getting in Johnny's face - charging him and basically doing everything short of punching him. And they're just pissed because Evelyn and Kellyanne have to go up against each other? Why is that so out of the realm of possibility? I don't get it. I'm too old for this S.

All I can think is, What's wrong with Tits' titties? Well, Shauvon's got some muscle and nerve damage and needs to go on bedrest or something. Bye-bye, Shauvon. Please pack your boobs and go.

Bye-bye: Nick and Evelyn. She decided to quit rather than help her team win. How noble. And OF COURSE T.J. lectures her about how quitting is for losers.

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