29 October 2009

Top Chef

Quickfire Challenge: Make a TV dinner inspired by an assigned TV show. I want Kevin's meatballs and polenta and roasted cauliflower so bad I can taste it. I'll take Brian's meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and apple pie too. Damn. Kevin wins.

Elimination Challenge: Take over Tom's restaurant, Craftsteak. Everyone assumes they have to make steak, and plan accordingly. They get really, really excited over the meat in the kitchen. But they didn't know what I know - that Natalie Portman is the guest judge of this episode. And that means... no meat. BUZZKILL!

There's lots of mushrooms and eggplant. A lot of the food looks like diarrhea. Natalie was hysterical - making fun of people and laughing at Padma's unintentionally-dirty talk. I think she was high.

During a commercial, we got a clip of the contestants going to Bartolotta, which was the money restaurant we went to in Vegas. I was wondering when it would make an appearance.

Winner: Kevin. His definitely looked like it was the most satisfying. (That's what she said.) I love that man. I need to travel to wherever his restaurant is NOW. Even if it is Atlanta.

Bye-bye: Michael I. How sad, but the man didn't use protein and basically boiled leeks. Ew. In the beginning, I thought he was a dirtbag Italian, but I was wrong. He was a dirtbag Greek dude, but he was talented. Let's face it, he wasn't destined for the finals, but he was better than Robin or Eli.

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