16 January 2008

Fear American Idol

It has returned.

Every year I act like it's a chore to watch American Idol, like I don't really want to, but it's my obligation as an American citizen. But then every year I enjoy myself. Mind you, I'm not recommending that anyone watch it live. Hell no. This show is the reason god made DVRs. I got through a 2-hour show in 1 hour.

Our first show brings us to Philadelphia, which you know means you're only going to get the classiest of people. Things never change on this show. Randy still says "good lookin' out" (which I still don't understand), Paula is still incoherent and is serenaded by at least 2 contestants, and Simon still puts no effort into his wardrobe (just a white tee shirt this time). I still laugh out loud when Randy and Paula cover their faces because they're laughing too hard, and right in the contestant's face. I still laugh at the "tearjerker" stories. And Simon is still 100% dead-on accurate with everything he says. He said some chick looked like Willem Dafoe and goddammit he was right!!

My favorite idiot was probably the Egyptian guy who loves "Mr. The Bee Gees" and wants to meet a woman he will love "from hair to nipple." I'm rooting for Angela Martin, the cute wedding singer with the kid with the disease, and Beth Stalker, whose voice I loved. Just putting those on record in case they make it.

Finally, that Star Wars chick at the end was painful to watch because it soooo could have been me. Believe it or not, I made a right turn somewhere.

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