15 January 2008

Prison Broken

I had a really hard time getting into this new episode of Prison Break. Maybe because it's been like 6 years since the last episode. Maybe because this season stinks on ice. I don't know what this week's episode did, but I know what it didn't do - advance the plot.

Scofield was hotboxed to try to get him to talk. And I don't mean hotboxed like my sister taught me, I mean literally placed in a box in the middle of the yard with the Panamanian sun beating down upon him. There's a new general running the prison (remember when this prison was "lawless"???) and he wants to know about the escape attempt. Michael decides to trust him for some reason (I guess it was the hotboxing) and spills the beans on the whole thing, turning in Whistler who in turn turns in that chick (whose real name is Gretchen).

The general tortures (waterboarding yay!) Gretchen for a while til she finally gives up LJ's location. When they show up at the location, LJ isn't there anymore, and Gretchen takes out the general and his couple of military guys. This just makes no sense to me because I don't see what the general's motivation was for interrogating Gretchen. What does he care about LJ and the escape plot? I guess he was just a do-gooder. Now he's a dead do-gooder.

So in the end Michael and Whistler are put back into Sona. Like I said, no plot movement here. WTF?! Oh, and Mahone's suffering the DTs really bad, way worse than before and I didn't think it could get worse. And there was a chicken foot fight, lest we forget the Sacred Dance of the Chicken Foot. Bellick killed the dude who challenged him.

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