23 November 2006


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am thankful for my husband, my friends, my family, electricity, and my relative health.

I won't be spending this Thanksgiving on the beach like I wanted to - it's only going to get to 72 today. But it'll be 80s by the weekend.

Today's menu:
Buttermilk-Oat Rolls
Roasted Fresh Young Turkey Breast (you know I like 'em fresh and young)
Green Beans with Pan-Roasted Red Onions
Stuffin' Muffins
Poached Pears with Spiced-Wine Syrup

Tomorrow I plan to continue my tradition of getting up early and going to Target to watch people kill each other over sale items. Mike's going to start a new day-after-Thanksgiving tradition - golf.



Anonymous said...

What is a stuffin' muffin??? Stuffing?

Juju said...

Yeah, just stuffing put into muffin tins and baked to get crispy. I'm ashamed to admit I got the idea from Rachael Ray.