27 November 2006

Heroes: Gonna Go Back in Time

Heroes is now perfect. I couldn’t stand the narrator over the “previously on” segment. As if the audience isn’t smart enough to be able to piece together clips, and needs a narrator to spoon feed it. And now he is gone!! Replaced by a Mohinder voiceover, which is better suited for the “previously ons” anyway. OMG it’s perfect now!

Heroes: second only to Prison Break in homoeroticism between brothers. Nathan kissed Peter tonight and I squealed. The internets will be lit up over this tonight.

This episode took place “Six Months Ago”. We saw the accident that paralyzed Nathan’s wife. He flew out of the car, escaping the crash. Did he do that on purpose, or was it just an instinct that took over? I was eating up all the back story like Sylar eats up brains. Can’t get enough. Interesting to see that Sylar is really just a Clark Kent lookalike with Daddy issues. Who figures out how to absorb powers by killing Heroes.

This show was totally emotional. I just love the relationships, especially between Claire and her dad. Too cute! Hiro went back in time to save Charlie, but it’s revealed that she has a brain tumor. So she’s going to die anyway. Too tragic!

IF YOU DON’T THINK NEXT WEEK IS GOING TO BE OFF THE CHAIN YOU’RE CRAZY. A Hero is lost forever! A big twist ending! And then no more til next year. Next week is going to be money.

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