28 January 2010

Fringe: Down With Nazis!

Freak of the Week: An entire Jewish wedding party gets wiped out in Brookline (been there - the city, not the wedding massacre).

Walter wore a purple tuxedo when he got married. Of course he did. He's also trying to fix up Peter and Olivia, and it's hilarious.

A toxin was released by a candle at the wedding, but it only killed the people who were related to a Holocaust survivor in the family. There was a strange dude at the wedding, and that dude later pops up at a coffee shop, leaving more bodies in his wake. He's testing a toxin that will only kill selected individuals - in the case of the coffee shop, he killed all people with brown eyes. Dagger.

Turns out Walter's dad was a Nazi - or actually a spy for the Allies, posing as a Nazi scientist - and he's the one who developed this toxin. Walter had his father's books with the formula, but Peter sold the books 10 years ago as an act of rebellion. He goes to visit his freaky little used-bookstore friend from last season, who somehow still has the record of who bought the book. Good record-keeping, dude, nicely done.

The team tracks down the Nazi who was trying to make his very own Master Race. He planted a trap in his home, trying to kill Walter, but Walter runs out in time. The Nazi, meanwhile, is at the World Tolerance Initiative conference, where I'm guessing his plan is to be... less-than-tolerant. Walter finds a way to reverse the toxin though, and it kills the Nazi instead.

The closest we get to a Walter Food Thing of the Week is the cup of tea he thinks Olivia's offering him at the second crime scene. I rewound a few times to try to figure out what he was eating in the lab - I think it was a granola bar, but that seems so pedestrian for Walter.

This Week's Code: FATHER.

So before the preview for next week, I'm all, "Again with the stand-alone episode?" I know I shouldn't complain, because I still love it, but we're going to get more alternate-universe soldiers with previously-frozen, reattached heads, right? Right!? Well, I got my answer big-time in the preview. The two universes colliding - people having 4 legs and being all conjoined with people (or their alternate selves). EPIC!

1 comment:

jayemarr said...

Man oh man, the food situation is dire lately. I think we're having tea and granola bars next week.

It looks like it will be a good one. Do you suppose Walter will have enough time to eat something really good? I hope so...