12 January 2010


Bennet and his girlfriend are digging up info on T Bag when they come across the woman he's obsessed with - and she's a Cylon. Vanessa's parents owned the estate Samuel grew up in - so has he been obsessed with her for like 40 years? And why, of all the people they've investigated from Samuel's past, did they decide to focus on her? They must have read a script.

Bennet drops by Matt's house, where Matt is now Mr. Mom. A comparison is made between T Bag and Osama Bin Laden. Really. They track down Vanessa and Matt uses his mind to convince her to talk to them.

She says they were engaged, but he wanted her to join a Carnival and for Christ's sake, she's too hot of a cougar for a Carnival. He's still obsessed with her and calls her all the time. Drunk dialer.

Samuel shows up, steals Vanessa away to the Carnival, and is generally creepy with her. Matt and Bennet try to track them, but they're unsuccessful because the Carnival moves/is invisible/whatever. I wonder why Matt doesn't just use his power to convince Bennet to STFU and leave him alone. It would be easier. Maybe he did (though they didn't make it obvious, like they normally do) because Bennet leaves him and goes to Claire's dorm room. He says all kinds of gay stuff about wanting to repair the burned bridge of their relationship. But I'm distracted because Claire's hair looks a darker shade of blonde, and I like it.

Matt, meanwhile, gets all self-loathing, whining to his wife that he should have done something to stop Sylar and save people.

Tattoo Lady says the Carnival will need a new leader - and it's Peter. She thinks really hard about him and - across the country - the compass tattoo reappears on his arm and moves. Well, that's a new power. I do so love these people's ability to manifest powers based on what's convenient.

Hiro and Ando are in Florida, where Ando has blindly listened to Hiro's ramblings, and committed him to a random mental hospital, not knowing Hiro's intent. His intent, of course, is to free Mohinder, whom he had trapped there during his time travels. Ando still has his electrical power, so he breaks in and sees that the "Dr. Watson" Hiro keeps blathering on about is Mohinder.

Ando switches out the drugs on the unsupervised drug cart, so that Mohinder won't be drugged anymore and can return to his super-strength self. Health care in Florida must really suck if you can 1) have someone committed so easily 2) have your pick from the drug cart.

Though he's been in a straight jacket on the floor for 6 months, 1 missed dose means Mohinder is up and aware and stronger than ever. They break out of the hospital no problem. As they're on the run, Mohinder decides it's a good idea for Ando to use his lightning power to unscramble Hiro's brain so he can teleport them. Well that was easy. And also THE DUMBEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN ON THIS SHOW. And that's saying a lot. There's no way that move could have backfired, nope not at all.

In Deaf Girl news, she plays the cello and summons Peter. He sees Samuel's compass on her cello and takes some giant leaps to determine Samuel's evil. Mama Petrelli freaks out when she sees Peter with Deaf Girl - she had a dream about her, and she's going to kill thousands of people. Peter wants to know more, so he takes Mommy's power so he can figure it out for himself. Oy.

Peter has the same dream - Deaf Girl is playing the cello, I assume summoning special people to slaughter. It's kind of clear she's being forced or crazy or something, and Sylar is nearby. So Peter does the sensible thing - goes over to Deaf Girl's apartment and smashes her damn cello! YAY! NO MORE CELLO!!! Thanks, Peter!

In the end, Bennet and his girlfriend are making out when Mohinder, Ando, and Hiro pop in. Cock blockers.

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