14 January 2010

Fringe: FREAKS!

Freak of the Week: Cop stops a kid wandering along a wooded street by himself, and offers the runaway boy a ride. While in the back of the car, the kid's face changes and deforms. By the time they're back at the small-town station, he looks like a Klingon, what with the deformed forehead and all. Now here's the thing: I have a REAL problem with deformed looking people. The Hills Have Eyes, that one horrid episode of The X-Files, all of that stuff just freaks me out. Well, too bad for me, because into the police station come 2 adult deformed-ass people. Ugh. They shoot the cops dead, take the kid, and that's where The Team comes in.

While driving to their hotel, The Team is run off the road by the Klingon things and shot at. Walter remains snoring away in the back, unfazed, while Pacey shoots back. Peter gets a shot at the dude, and by the time they track a blood trail, the guy's dead - and back to normal-human-looking. Yet by the time they get the body back to Boston he's all deformed again. Ew.

The freakiness can be traced to the nearby military base, natch. And an invisibility experiment called Project Elephant that Walter worked on. It turns out the whole damn town is freaky. What really changes is our perception of the people -- like, they look normal in their town, but when taken outside of it they look like freaks.

Until Walter finds and switches off the machine that camouflages the people. Then I have to stare at this woman's deformed face while she explains things. *shudder*

Walter Awwww Moment of the Week: Walter doesn't want to go to the supermarket, and won't get out of the car, no matter how much Peter coaxes him.

Walter's Food Thing of the Week: He found an old, dusty box of Devil Dogs in the library where he had hidden his files. Because of course you would hide Devil Dogs with your files. If you're Walter Bishop. Dear Partiers: get fresh ones, please.

Can I Also Add: Broyles is the effing man!! Walter pleads with him not to expose the town, and to let the people go back to camouflaging themselves. So Broyles is all, "Did you find the machine? Because if you didn't, then there's nothing to report." It took Walter a little while to catch on.

This Week's (Non-Botched) Code: MUTATE.

Next Week: Looks off the chain - Peter infected with something, Walter trying to save his life (again). Good stuff!


jsalexandra said...

I do have a problem with such looking people. It really is a bad experience to see such characters in the shows. These kind of deformed people are also shown in some of the x files episodes; I remember one such episode where mutants were shown. I think that creators use them in order to scare people.

jayemarr said...

It took some doing, but we did find somebody in New York willing to ship a box of Devil Dogs out this way Priority Mail. They should be here in time.

And yeah, it's a fresh box. :)