05 August 2010

SYTYCD: Results

Wow, Cat looks fantastic tonight. She slays me how she can look a hot mess one day and unbelievable the next. Her hair is shiny and sleek and gorgeous and she's wearing a little white dress. Lovely.

It's Kent's turn to be the retarded one now that Jose is gone. When they were lining up on stage, he somehow didn't realize they were on the air. And I think he let slip the S word, but you could barely tell. But I mean, how do you not know you're on the air? You just danced your solo. Donk.

First safe: Lauren. YAY!

Next safe: Kent. Of course.

Now I start yelling at the TV. I swear to god, Adechike had better go home tonight. I need more Robert in some guyliner and hot clothes next week, dammit!

Bye-bye: Adechike. OK good. I need me some man candy!

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