19 March 2007


Floating rib fragments. They're like kryptonite to Jack Bauer. Also, they're a convenient way to get him back to CTU, talking to his brother's wife, dissing her (he was all, I gotta call Audrey, but if that doesn't work I'll totally call you), and then discovering that Audrey is dead. Well, she allegedly died in a car crash in China. Like the Chinese can be trusted. Jack freaks out because no one told him about Audrey. When were they supposed to tell you, Jack? Before they sent you to be killed by Fayed? After you took a bite of a dude's neck? While you were meeting with Logan? (Hey, I just realized: WTF? No follow up on Logan?)

The producers of 24 really think we're dumb this year. As an example, consider this exchange:
CTU: Morris loses track of the drone on the satellite.
Cut to Russians: Russian 1: "I successfully disabled the tracking on the drone."
Russian 2: "Good, now CTU won't be able to track the drone."
Oh thank god they spoon-fed that to me, I wouldn't have figured it out otherwise.

One good moment: Milo tells Chloe to check Morris's breath to see if he's been drinking. So she goes over and kisses him. When he asks what that was for, she says, "I was checking your breath." That Chloe is so smooth.

Ricky Schroder isn't just a prick, he's a racist prick. But Ricky accusing Nadia of leaking information leads to a nice little fight between him and Milo. I do love a good CTU pissing match!!!

I guess those rib fragments stopped floating long enough for Jack to man-up and join in the trip out to the Drone Control Center. Shouldn't the bad guys know better than to set up their main digs 3 blocks from CTU? Jesus. And speaking of Jack's ribs, could they have outfitted him with a worse bandage? It covered his tits and made it look like he was wearing a tube top! He's Jack Bauer, dammit! He doesn't wear tube tops!

Is Nadia a mole? If not, then who? Could the VP be more of a prick? Why hasn't the VP been sworn in as President, considering Palmer's in a coma and all? Was this Sandra Palmer's greatest episode (she didn't say a word)? What good is getting Palmer out of his coma going to do if he dies after ordering the VP to stop? Why did it seem like a lot of stuff happened in this episode, and yet the quickly-wrapped-up drone part was unsatisfying?


Karen said...

1. Nadia had better be the mole...I don't want anyone else to leave!
2. So why hasn't the VP been sworn it? Isn't that done right away? That's weak. And next week, another President dead? Weak, weak... But that VP is crazy and entertaining!
3. Audrey isn't really dead. That just enables a future plot line with the Chinese
4. Ricky is nuts and I like it. What did he do in Denver? Kill someone while questioning them? Not the first time we've seen that happen! And I like the fact that he's not afraid to show his racism.
5. Jack just needed some mental fuel to get those cracked ribs moving again, and now it's payback (although Audrey's payback has to wait until this is finished)
6. If Jack's sappy sister-in-law shows her face one more time I'm gonna hurl. I can't stand that sappy storyline....ugh.
7. Who is this Logan of which you speak?
8. Bill had better not be the mole!!!!!!! He needs a decent story line, but that would kill the show for me.

Anonymous said...

1. Milo's the mole
2. Where is the oafish retard (Jack's son)?
3. Why is the President always the craziest guy in the room? This guy makes Logan look sensible.
4. Unfortunately Audrey is probably still alive; the only character more annoying than her is Sandra Palmer.