06 March 2007

Heroes: Woah

I was able to watch Heroes at the hotel. Yay! It's not the same as watching it at home, yelling at the TV and rewinding. But at least I could watch it.

Mohinder finally proves that he earned that PhD and figures out that Sylar is Sylar. Unfortunately, he doesn't figure out that Sylar can use telekinesis to shut off his IV. Sylar proceeds to pin Mohinder to the ceiling. Things don't look good for our favorite Indian. Woah.

Simone really is dead. The new shape shifter chick impersonated her. That new chick is cool. She also impersonates Bennet's wife, and the Company learns Bennet is looking to take them down. Woah. I hope he's not cooked.

Claire get to NYC to see Peter, but finds Mama Petrelli instead. And she knows all about Claire, knows that she's Claire's grandmother, and is in cahoots with The Haitian. Woah.

Linderman is Malcolm McDowell and he knows everything too.

The show ends with Sylar starting to pull the ol' head-slicing action on Peter. Maybe that will be the scar Future Hiro mentioned; I'm hoping Peter can heal or TK his way out of this one.

Won't find out til April 23 though! I hate reruns!!

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