02 March 2007

You Lose, ABC

According to Variety, ABC is developing a sitcom pilot based on Geico's Caveman: "Cavemen will revolve around three pre-historic men who must battle prejudice as they attempt to live as normal thirtysomethings in modern Atlanta."
Oh my God. Please tell me this is a joke. It's funny for 30 seconds, certainly not for 30 minutes.

Staff at a top London dance studio breathe a sigh of relief as Heather Mills quit the studio after just one day.

Sir Paul McCartney's ex had booked Pineapple Dance Studios in Covent Garden for this entire week to undergo secret practice sessions with top choreographers for Dancing With The Stars - but pulled out at the last minute.

Does this mean she's quitting the show? If so, no chance now that I'll be watching it. I was going to watch this wobbly one-legged bitch's peg leg fly across the floor. Never mind now.

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