15 March 2007

Lost: Chahhhhhhhlie

I love Claire episodes because that means we get to hear “Chahhhlie” at least 40 times. Over the last 2 episodes, Lost’s status has changed from “vomit inducing” to “not horrible”. The “big reveal” in this episode was that Claire is Jack’s sister, but anyone with half a brain figured that out already. What was cool: blood spurting out of the dude’s ear when he crossed the sonic barrier. Of course, the greatest part came at the end. Locke, Sayid, and Kate arrive at The Others' housing project. It’s really a nice little college campus type of place. People are on bikes – and Jack is laughing and playing football with Fake Beard Guy. That really made for a classic, must-rewind ending.

Oh yeah, and they put a long-ass note (seriously, it was a novella - just write "We're on an island. Find us.") on a bird that was tagged. So I guess in 3 years that's their excuse for being discovered.

Next week: The John Locke Paralysis Story.

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