02 March 2009

Heroes Is Still Pissing Me Off

Matt can't be bothered to save the world right now, he'd rather find his girlfriend. "Rebel" sends him a message with Daphne's location (Building 26), so he and Peter head out and Jedi their way into people's minds to get to her. But Matt gets captured and Peter downloads video of the whole rounding-up-Heroes operation, which was conveniently videotaped and saved by the government. WHUT?

Peter will hand over the evidence if Nathan et al give him Daphne and Matt. Lead Agent Vampire Dude will have none of this and shoots Peter at the exchange point. Peter goes over the edge of a parking garage, but Nathan flies in and rescues him. It's just a scratch, no worries, and Peter flies away.

Claire is trying to be Aquaman's Harriet Tubman. Aquaman is a Hot Geek, so Claire's mom helps them. The dialog between Aquaman and Claire gets quite painful - they're like flirting, and Claire's all, "I'm not into having a relationship right now" and he's all "Why not?" and she's all "Because it seems like all marriages end up in divorce." UM, HEY, YOU DUMB COW, NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT MARRIAGE! Aquaman just wanted to feel some tit, not get the house and kids. Christ. Your parents split up like a day ago, it probably won't even stick, get over yourself.

Sylar pulls over on his Roadtrip To See Papa. A restaurant brings up childhood memories of his father. But these aren't happy memories of pie and milkshakes. They're memories of his dad selling him and then killing his mom, Sylar-style. I laughed. Heartily. Sylar sends Luke away, and goes off to kill his dad. I thought he was going to kill Luke for a second there, but I guess it was just wishful thinking.

In the end, Agent Vampire straps an explosive vest on Matt and throws him front of whatever government building that was that I didn't pay attention to. And the cool Puppet Master dude shows up in Claire's kitchen, having received a message from Rebel that "Claire will save you."


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you didn't comment on the fact that noah is now living in a 1 bdrm apt in dupont circle - maybe mohinder will move in with him since he's on the outs with matt

Anonymous said...

I love that you refer to Danko as Agent Vampire. I knew he looked familiar...