18 March 2009

Lost: Mind-Eff

Everyone's on the plane back to The Island when it loses power. Sun and Ben are the only main characters still on board when it crash lands, evidently not on the correct island. Or maybe not in the right time? I don't know.

30 Years Earlier. That's where Jack, Kate, and Hurley are. 30 years earlier, meeting up with Sawyer and Jin. The reunion is cute, and then Sawyer breaks the news about what year it is. Hurley: "Oh. What?"

Sun and Ben take off to find the Main Island while Frank and the glorified extras settle on the beach, talking about waiting for rescue. Sure. I saw a show like that once. A plane crashed on a Mysterious Island and everyone thought they'd be found but they weren't. It was a good show.

Kate, Hurley, and Jack pose as new recruits to the Dharma Initiative. Jack gets assigned to be a janitor. I love that. Clean the effing toilets, douchebag.

When Jin finds out Sun was on the plane, he sets out to find out where it is. There's no sign of a plane, but he does find Sayid in the jungle. He has to take him as a hostage so no one suspects.

Sun knocks Ben out (KICKASS!) once Ben takes her to the boat and tells her how to find the Island. She and Frank take the boat over. And yep, it's the future. Or the present. Either way, it's not in the same time the others are in.

Jack's Dead Daddy Christian is in the abandoned Dharma Camp though, and he says he can lead them to Jin. Don't go! He just takes them to one of the cabins, with pictures of past Dharma recruits. Including a picture of 1977's recruits - Jack, Hurley, and Kate.

Good thing Sawyer is Head of Security so he can save Sayid's ass from someone who thinks he's a Hostile/Other and wants him dead. Sayid is locked up and a kid brings him food. Who is the kid? BEN!!!!!

And as a final note, Michelle Dessler names her baby Ethan. I knew he was going to end up being a character we knew!! Murdering bastard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Ethan survives the purge like Ben did. Apparently he's more important than we though!