04 March 2009


We open back on the Island, when Locke made his way down the well to move the Island. There is a time jump and the well disappears, and they notice a huge statue in the distance. Then Locke moves the Island.

Three Years Later. Dharma people are freaking out over a security breach and go to see the Head of Security, LaFluer -- who turns out to be Sawyer. And it's 1974. My brain hurts. This show is a massive mind-eff. And I love it.

Three Years Earlier. And I'm yelling at the screen, "NO, stop going back and forth, I can't take it!" But I love it. The Gang figures out they're not going to be time-jumping anymore, and that wherever or whenever they are, they're staying. They come across Michelle Dessler being attacked by some guys in a field, and save her and kill the bad guys. Michelle mentions a "truce" - I assume between natives (Others?) and Dharma.

Three Years Later. Michelle Dessler is giving birth. Sawyer's hair is flat. He gets Juliet, who is now a mechanic, to help with the delivery. The delivery is somehow successful, despite the Island's baby-killing properties, and she gives birth to a boy. Is he going to end up being someone we know??

Three Years Earlier. Dharma Guy Horace (Michelle's future husband) questions Sawyer, who makes up a lie about being in a shipwreck. Daniel sees Charlotte as a little girl. MIND. EFF.

Richard shows up, he of the eternal youthfulness. He's pissed because the truce was broken and his men were killed. Sawyer freaks Richard out a bit by telling him things that he learned about him through his time travels.

Three Years Later. Sawyer and Juliet are a couple. I like them together; they're cute. Sawyer gets a phone call from Jin. He goes to meet Jin and they are reunited with Jack, Kate, and Hurley.

The Gang's back together.

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