22 March 2008

The Gauntlet: You Didn't Cut the Fat

All that talk from the Veterans about "cutting the fat" when it came to the girls. How about cutting the literal fat? They end up losing because big fat Eric practically dies during the final challenge.

But first, we had Adam vs. Danny to see who could get to the final. Adam KICKS DANNY'S ASS and becomes my new hero. Me hate Danny.

It was 6 Rookies vs. 10 Veterans in the final. CT was just harping on Eric while he's half-drowning and then stumbling and bumbling while they're running. Really everyone was berating him - except for Brad. Brad's a good kid. Everybody else is heartless, I guess that's not a big surprise.

So the Vets lose Eric to the hospital, but then they pull ahead of the Rookies because the Rookies can't dig a chest out of the sand. So they finish first. Except... they didn't have all their teammates and so they lose. Rookies win. The Vets were such assholes that I'm glad I guess. If they had just concentrated on the real problem (Eric) instead of the girls they would have won.

This finale was good but the season as a whole kind of blew. What do we need to make the next Gauntlet/Challenge better? Tina? Veronica? Dare I say it - the Miz?

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