15 March 2008

Top Chef: Chicago

Yay! A new season of Top Chef already! And it's in Chicago, which I've only really been to once but I feel like I know the whole city. I'd move there but it's too effing cold for half of the year.

This season is gonna be really white, I know that. The one black chick gets the boot. We got an Asian, a Latino or 2, and lots of whities. Including one of my favorites, Andrew, who I call The White Rapper. Because he looks like either a crackhead or a white rapper. I love his attitude and his foul-ass mouth.

Also love Asian Dale, natch. He's got a foul mouth too. Though I guess most real chefs do. And I like Richard, even though he's the new Marcel - using smoke instead of foams.

There seem to be a million lesbians this season (including a couple), but where my flamers at? Gotta remember this isn't as gay as Project Runway but it's as close as I can get.

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