13 March 2008

The Gauntlet

First, a confession: Is it wrong that Kenny makes me laugh every week? Most. Entertaining. Contestant. Ever.

That icy challenge seemed awfully dangerous. I'm not a doctor, but submerging yourself in ice water for increasingly-longer periods of time? Not healthy.

In the Veterans Girls Gauntlet: Katie and Paula. Despite Frank's help, Katie lost (Adam was helping Paula).

Danny got caught trying to make a deal with the other team and he vehemently denies it, despite all video evidence to the contrary.

Speaking of video evidence, I loved the CT/Adam Paris fight flashback. That was a classic moment. Our first look at what a drunk meathead CT is.

Frank made a deal with Adam - if Adam throws the mission for the Veterans, the Rookies will put CT in the Gauntlet. Thing is, Frank didn't consult the rest of his team. And it's not clear if Adam really did throw the mission, or if the Vets just didn't work well together. Doesn't look like Frank's going to get his way, but then... to be continued. Oh S. (I'm sure if I paused the preview for next week I could figure who was missing, but I don't want to actually put forth that effort. This show doesn't deserve it.)

Hey Danny: Stop using the word "salty". That's my word. I don't need you using it 3 times in one episode. And then Tori used it! Dagger! (Don't take that word either.)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yes I was sick of "salty" and in previous episodes I was sick of "cut the fat". GRR!