27 February 2008

American Idol Girls Rundown

No one blew me away tonight. There were some really good performances, but no real standouts.

Carly was great and picked a great Heart song that really fit her, but the judges weren't feeling it much.

Syesha. I think it was a good vocal but her voice is thin, too thin for the song.

Ramiele. Very good but not amazing. Cruddy song choice screwed her.

Kristy Lee was better than last week, but she still bores me.

Amanda the rocker chick was dreadful!! Booo. The low parts sucked so bad and she was off-key for most of the rest of it too. Thanks for ruining a great Kansas song.

Alaina. Crap crap crap. Painful at times.

Alexandrea didn't blow it out like she should have. The performance was fine, just not exciting or memorable.

Kady was just bad karaoke. And what's the difference between her and Alaina? They look and sound alike to me.

Asia'h should have blown this song out too. The first low parts were rough and she missed her first high note. Sure she came back to hit the 2 big notes, but it was still too ambitious for her.

Looks like Danny was the best girl this week!

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