13 February 2008

B&C Beverage of the Week

Good lord in sweet heaven, Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein Vanilla Chai Tea with Soy Protein is the Greatest Drink in the History of the World. If you ever want to get me a present, just send me 50 cases of this.

There's no reason to go to Starbucks anymore when I can just get this at the grocery store. No, wait, there is a reason to go to Starbucks - I overheard the following conversation between Starbucks employees this past weekend:

"So, Rob, what's the new flavor going to be?"
"Honey Latte."

Oh hells yes. Can't wait to try a honey latte, but once that novelty wears off I'll go back to my Bolthouse Farms Vanilla Soy Chai. You just microwave it up and it's money!

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