19 February 2008

Prison Break: Last Episode Ever?

I ask that question, unfortunately, hoping the answer is Yes. The first season of this show was some of the greatest stuff ever on television, and it just degenerated into this mess. Tragic really.

I can sum this episode up really quickly:

LJ and Sofia were saved, but she was shot. Lincoln and LJ stay with her in the hospital to take care of her. Michael is out for revenge for Sara's death so he has decided to pursue Gretchen/The Company (after a great bromosexual hug with his brother). Mahone, Whistler, and Gretchen team up and drive off together, but I'm not sure what for. T Bag killed Lechero, took over as the King of Sona (his platform: "All inmates are created equal"), and Sucre joined them as a prisoner because he wouldn't give up Michael's location. And, oh yeah, that basketball playing kid made it home safely so we have one happy ending.

No word from FOX on renewal, but please just put the show out of its misery so I can watch my Season 1 DVDs and move on with my life.

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