14 February 2008

Lost: Now With 700% More Sayid Goodness

We get Sayid's flash-forward this week (yay! he lives!). In the future he's golfing and killing people for a living. Sayid killing people = excellent. Sayid with longer, straighter hair = beyond excellent. He seduces a German chick to get to her boss to kill him. She's double-crossing him the whole time and shoots him first, trying to figure out who he's working for. He kills her, because let's face it, he's a better professional killer than she is. At the end, we get the big reveal: he's working for Ben, killing people on a list. Sayid: "Now they know I'm looking for them." Ben: "Good." Seems like Ben's trying to pick off people who were trying to kill him.

Back on Lost Island, long story short, Sayid gets Charlotte back so that he can get a helicopter ride off the island. In the end, Sayid and Desmond copter off with the pilot and Naomi's dead body. Also, Sayid had found a stash of passports, money, and clothes hidden in Ben's house.

And the weird physicist dude was conducting an experiment that, as far as I can tell, proves that the island is in some kind of time rift. He had the freighter fire off a rocket and it arrives much later than expected, with a timer 30-something minutes ahead of the timer he started when the rocket was launched. Silly physicists and their time experiments. I'll have to do some interweb research on this one tomorrow.

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